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Silensor-Sl Snoreguard

The Silensor-Sl consists of one splint for the upper jaw and one splint for the lower jaw. The lower jaw is either held in a predetermined or advanced position by two connectors that are fixed laterally to the splint. The Silensor-Sl counteracts the narrowing of the respiratory tracts. As the velocity of the air decreases so do the noise-generating vibrations of the soft tissues. The Silensor-SL allows jaw movements so it is comfortable to wear, but prevents the lower jaw from falling back which creates an effective snoreguard.


  • Improved patient comfort
  • Proven effectiveness in treating the symptoms of OSA completely
  • Metal-free
  • Easily adjustable

Impression/Scan Requirements

Please provide Upper and Lower impressions or scans.
We will require the bite to be recorded in a protrusive position as far as the patient feels comfortable.



Silensor-Sl have a 6 month warranty (subject to fair wear and tear)

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