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20-30% of 12 Year Olds Have Suffered a Dental Injury

Updated: Apr 28, 2022

Did you know that 20-30% have of 12 year olds had a dental injury. These figures seem high but as you can imagine the increased participation in sports and extra clubs as they move into secondary school has something to do with this.

The most common causes are when your child begins participating in contact sport at school or club level. This is not unsurprising as with contact sports the likeliness of a collision with other players is part and parcel of the sport. Matches tend to hold a higher rate of dental injury then training but this does not mean injuries do not occur when training to compete in a contact sport.

While the percentage of dental injuries is lower than other injuries caused by contact sport the costs of a dental injury tend to be much higher. This is why at Gumz we believe taking the correct precautionary measures are crucial to protect your child dental health and your wallet.

Many schools have a no guard no play policy when it comes to your child participating in contact sports to protect their liability and your children from suffering from dental injury. With the return to school being a costly time for parents we understand that you are looking to save money where you can. At Gumz we operate a home moulding service which allows you to dramatically reduce the costs of having a mouthguard made by your dentist.

Why are gumguards so important in sports?

The role of the mouthguard is to prevent or reduce the impact of dental injury. It particularly protects the teeth and gums but can also reduce the risk of concussion and injury to the surrounding areas such as the lips and tongue. Keeping your child safe when they are involved in contact sport is paramount and also compulsory in many schools and clubs. For more information on our home moulding process or to view the range of designs that Gumz offer click here. Are you a school or club? We can offer discounts for large orders contact us directly to discuss your school or club needs.


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